PBSS Student Roles
These roles have been selected to be given to PBSS students as first right of refusal. Please do not share this application outside the Palm Beach Sword School. Remember this is an optional activity and not required from anyone if none of these roles catch your attention you do NOT have to do them. There is also no guarantee of any specific role just because of PBSS status, we have to cast the right person to a role for the faire.
Since the presentation at the Ice Cream social we have amalgamated certain roles to better fit the needs of the faire. Please be aware that couples are not guaranteed to be cast in the same area and that all roles are based on the needs of the faire.
Roles are open to active and non-active students alike however priority will be given to active students for certain roles.
Please note you must be available for all 4 event days December 14, 15, 21, 22 from 8:30-6:30pm
All roles listed below are paid at $15 per hour.
All casting decisions are final.
Portal Agent
In charge of the portal. You are the first character guests will meet and are a strict but fair portal agent. You handle ticketing and checking for magical contraband. You will answer questions about the event and the trolley transport that is moving people to and from the event.
In character you are a dedicated public servant whose job is to manage and maintain the stable portal that has opened between the worlds. It is up to you to ensure all coming and going humans and nonhumans follow very basic rules for their own safety.
Faceless Cast
You are the ultimate changeling playing many roles throughout the day Town Guards, Town Criers, Dragon Riders, Bee Keepers, and Archaeologists. At times you will join the town guards in the square and escort the queen, at other points you will become an archaeologists and dig the ruins of Dunsky. If you are looking for the most diverse job in the faire this one is it.
In character you are the ultimate resident of Dunsky. You move between roles and play different people throughout the day giving visitors the feel of Ard Crannach being a bustling town.
North Pole Fae
The North Pole Fae assist Santa in creating magical experiences. Throughout the day you will guide children through the portal to Santa’s workshop and facilitate private family moments with Santa
For this role you should enjoy working with children and have the ability to stay in character when interrogated by a 6 year old. In character you will be a portal travelling Fae who works for the big man himself.
Game Master
The Game Master teaches patrons how to play historical games. They act as a chaotic and eccentric force of fun making games fun for all whether they win or lose. They also encourage people to purchase games.
For this role you must learn the rules of historical games and be good at explaining games quickly.
This role is paid at the higher rate of $20 per hour.
Merchant Cast
You will help run one of the shops at the faire. You could be assigned to:
- Sword Shop
- Targe Shop
- Musical Instrument Shop
- Games Shop
- General Store
In this role you will talk about items and help people find the perfect item to take home from Dunsky.
Like Faceless Cast this is a role that will spend the day moving between different locations helping to show folk how it is done! You could spend an hour working in a weapons class followed by an hour at the range, then join the targe wright to help make a targe, before joining the game master for a game of Hneftafl, and finishing up your day at the forge with the blacksmith.
In this position you will move around but always within the PBSS have-a-go area. You will help be an ambassador for the school but will also show people new hobbies they may have not tried before.